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Going on a trip abroad is exciting, but emergencies can happen, and if they do, it can be expensive and challenging affair. You can take some of your stress away by booking a travel medical insurance policy with Covid-19 coverage at competitive pricing from global insurers. Don't forget that for Schengen visa applications, travel insurance is mandatory.

Why Book

Travel Medical Insurance

Frequently asked questions

Travel Medical Insurance is designed to cover your emergency medical expenses while traveling abroad. In the event of an unexpected illness, injury, or medical condition during your trip, your travel medical insurance plan will reimburse you for the treatment costs, up to the limits specified in the plan.

Travel Medical Insurance provides coverage for various risks that may arise during your overseas travel, including medical emergencies, COVID-19, and loss of passport. The coverage offered ensures an additional layer of protection against potential financial losses. For more detailed information on the coverage, please refer to the Travel Medical Insurance policy documents.

Purchasing overseas travel insurance online is a convenient way to access a wide range of best plans at competitive prices from global insurers. This allows you to choose a suitable plan without incurring any extra commissions.

The cost will depend on the kind of overseas Travel Medical Insurance policy you opt for, and it will vary from country to country. Multiple underlying health conditions will determine the final insurance premium you will have to pay.

It's best to purchase travel insurance within the first 14 days of your initial trip.

With Travel Medical Insurance assistance provided by VFS Global, you can book your insurance and submit your visa application together.

Even if you missed purchasing the insurance plan before or during the visa application process, you can still buy Travel Medical Insurance by visiting our website.

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